1928 – 2011
Dr. Roger Hayward Rogers
DR. ROGER ROGERS was the co-founder of the Centre for Integrated Healing in Vancouver, now known as InspireHealth, and a graduate of the University of British Columbia, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Psychology, a Bachelor degree in Social Work and a Doctorate of Medicine (UBC, MD 1959). He worked in family practice for over thirty years and was involved in teaching medical students as a UBC clinical instructor.
Dr. Rogers had a special interest in complementary cancer care for more than 20 years. Following a lifelong interest in nutrition, natural healing and complementary therapies, he co-founded the Thera Wellness Centre in 1977. This non-profit organization was devoted to working with the whole person towards optimum well-being. It was operated next door to the family medical practice established by him and his wife and partner, Dr. Marion Rogers. As word of mouth grew and the one-room centre became increasingly busy, Marion shouldered more of the family practice while Roger coped with the demand from cancer patients. The Centre for Integrated Therapy was formalized in 1992 and evolved into the Centre for Integrated Healing in the late 1990s, which Dr. Rogers co-founded with Dr. Hal Gunn. Dr. Rogers was involved in founding and supporting the Association of Complementary & Integrative Physicians of BC (ACIPBC) and the Canadian Complementary Medical Association (CCMA).
In 2001, Dr. Rogers was appointed to the Order of British Columbia, the province’s highest honour, for his pioneering work in integrative care. The Dr. Rogers Prize for Excellence in Complementary and Alternative Medicine was established in 2007 in recognition of his contribution to the field and his tireless efforts to gain widespread recognition for – and acceptance of – complementary and alternative cancer treatments in this country.