Le Colloque du Prix Dr Rogers réunit des chefs de file éclairés, des chercheurs et des cliniciens œuvrant dans le domaine de la MCA. Nous encourageons la participation du grand public à cette exploration des tendances actuelles en médecine complémentaire, alternative et intégrative. À l’heure actuelle, nous acceptons des suggestions de thèmes pour le Colloque de 2017. Veuillez faire parvenir vos suggestions à la coordonnatrice du Prix Dr Rogers.
Pour recevoir l’avis du thème du Colloque du Prix Dr Rogers de 2017, veuillez vous inscrire à notre liste d’envoi.
Colloque de 2015
Traditional Chinese Medicine & the Microbiome: A Modern Context for an Ancient Practice
Le quatrième Colloque du Prix Dr Rogers a eu lieu à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, durant l’après-midi du samedi 26 septembre 2015. Le Colloque a réuni des experts et des innovateurs du thème du microbiome et de ses implications pour la médecine chinoise traditionnelle.
Les trois panélistes ont commencé par résumer leurs découvertes. Le Dr Robert Rountree, médecin-chef de Thorne Research, a parlé du microbiome humain et de son impact sur la santé. Le Dr Jeffrey Bland, considéré comme le « père de la médecine fonctionnelle », a fait part de ses réflexions sur les liens entre la médecine fonctionnelle et la médecine occidentale. Enfin, le Dr Joseph Sung, recteur et vice-chancelier de l’Université chinoise de Hong Kong, a évoqué le sujet de « mesurer une distance orientale à l’aide d’une règle occidentale ». Ces panélistes sont des experts dans leur domaine respectif et ont présenté aux participants un après-midi stimulant et suscitant la réflexion, en discutant du rôle phénoménal joué par le microbiome dans tous les aspects de la santé humaine, ainsi que des avantages de l’intégration de la médecine occidentale à la médecin chinoise traditionnelle (MCT).
Panélistes de 2015
![Dr-Joseph-Sung_sm[1] Dr-Joseph-Sung_sm[1]](https://www.drrogersprize.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Dr-Joseph-Sung_sm1.jpg)
Dr Joseph J.Y. Sung, SBS JP
Recteur et vice-chancelier de l’Université chinoise de Hong Kong
« Measuring an Eastern Distance with a Western Ruler »
Biographie du Dr Sung (site en anglais) »
![Dr-Jeffrey-Bland_sm[1] Dr. Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Father of Functional Medicine and author of The Disease Delusion](https://www.drrogersprize.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Dr-Jeffrey-Bland_sm1.jpg)
Dr Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D.
Père de la médecine fonctionnelle et auteur de The Disease Delusion
Biographie du Dr Bland (site en anglais) »
![Dr-Robert-Rountree[1] Dr Robert Rountree, DM
Médecin-chef, Thorne Research](https://www.drrogersprize.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Dr-Robert-Rountree1.jpg)
Dr Robert Rountree, DM
Lauréat du Prix Linus Pauling 2015 Médecin-chef, Thorne Research
Biographie du Dr Rountree (en anglais) »
After graduating Magna Cum Laude from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1976, Dr. Bob Rountree received his medical degree from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill in 1980. He subsequently completed a residency in family and community medicine at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and was certified by the American Board of Family Practice.
Dr. Rountree has been practicing family medicine in Boulder, Colorado, since 1983. He began his professional career at Wellspring, Partners in Health, a multidisciplinary clinic that was one of the first integrative healthcare centers in the U.S. In January, 2002, he opened Boulder Wellcare, a private practice specializing in individual healthcare consulting. He is the long-time medical editor for Delicious Living magazine, and Clinical Editor as well as a regular columnist for Alternative and Complementary Therapies. He has coauthored numerous books and written numerous book chapters on Integrative and Nutritional Medicine, including the Textbook of Functional Medicine; Clinical Botanical Medicine; Clinical Natural Medicine Handbook; The New Breastfeeding Diet Plan; Immunotics; and Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child.
In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Rountree is the Chief Medical Officer for Thorne Research, a world leader in the development and manufacturing of pure, high-quality nutritional and botanical supplements. He is a long-standing member of the core faculty for the Institute for Functional Medicine in Federal Way, WA. In June, 2015, he was given the Linus Pauling Functional Medicine Award by IFM, in recognition of his years of mentoring and training health care providers. Dr. Rountree has had the opportunity to lecture all over the world to professional and public audiences. He is especially passionate about the outdoors, wild nature and the preservation of biodiversity.

Stu McNish
Animateur, Conversations That Matter
Président, Oh Boy Productions
Biographie de Stu McNish (en anglais) »
For more than 25 years Stu has been involved in video journalism and storytelling. After completing his diploma in Broadcast Journalism at BCIT, he began his career in daily news working at what was then CKVU (now City), as well as at Equity Magazine. In the fall of 1989, Stu joined the team at BCTV’s NewsHour with Tony Parsons (now Global). Over the course of his career with the station he produced close to 2,000 stories. Memorable series included the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society series, the Leaky Condo series, the Forest Practices Code series and his coverage of Delgamuukw. While at BCTV Stu’s work was recognized by the Jack Webster Foundation when he was presented with the award for Best Television Reporting.
In 1998, Stu left the station to start Oh Boy Productions. Over the past 16 years, the company has produced a number of news magazine programs including North of 49, Empowered Health and Conversations That Matter. In addition they have produced thousands of videos for a wide range of clients in the fields of business, Not for Profit, government, and sports.
Stu has devoted his career to telling stories that matter, culminating in the creation of Conversations That Matter, a weekly interview show broadcast on numerous media outlets. According to Stu, « this is the most important work I have done ».
His other interests include the love he has for his family and his desire to see his children reach their full potential coupled with his love for his wife, Michelle. And then there is tennis. When not at work, or with his family you’ll find Stu on the tennis court.